It is easy to use RankCloudz Online!


Are you finding it difficult navigating through the options at RankCloudz Online page? Or thinking what will be effect if a priority set to zero? Or, if priorities of all but one requirements are set to zero?

Don’t worry, we got you covered. Here is your handy Users’ Guide for RankCloudz Online. Download RankCloudzOnlineUserGuide and use it to ‘simpify your cloud decisions’.


Google and Amazon in race to buy $700m Tata data centres

In late July, 2015 there were hints that Tata Communications had planned to sell its stake in its subsidiary “Tata Communications Data Center Pvt. Ltd.” to restructure its debts. Now we hear that Global leaders of IaaS providers, Google and Amazon, have shown interest to buy Tata Data Centers. (Read more)

It may be recalled that in 2014 Microsoft’s announced plans to build data centers in India for its Azure and Office 365 services keeping in mind the growing demand of cloud services from Indian subcontinent.

RightCloudz’ methodologies were used by WATERNOMICS Consortium


We are very pleased to note that RankCloudz Online evaluation was used in a major report “WATERNOMICS : D.1.2. Inventory Technology, Standards and Policies” by the WATERNOMICS Consortium for the project “ICT for Water Resource Management” funded by the European Commission. The report presented a review of the state-of-the-art technologies relevant for “ICT for Water Resource Management” project, and an assessment of policies and standards that govern the implementation and use of available technologies by utilities and water users.

In Section 2.2.3 Cloud Infrastructure of the report “WATERNOMICS : D.1.2. Inventory Technology, Standards and Policies” the details from the in depth report created by RankCloudz Online evaluation were used to provide an insight into the performance and relative ranking of major IaaS providers based on the requirements of WATERNOMICS platform (pages 41-43), along with Gartner’s  “Magic quadrant for cloud infrastructure as a service” published in 2014.

The report can be accessed at